Thanks, you are good human.
Knowing Greek mythology helps us expand our vocabulary because:
A. Some words that we use today were used by characters in Greek myths.
There are words and expressions commonly seen and used in today's English that actually come from Greek myths and epic poems. Therefore, knowing about Greek mythology can help us understand the origin and meaning of those words. For instance, if you know about the hero Achilles, you will easily understand the expression "Achilles heel". If you have an Achilles heel, that means you have a weakness. That expression comes from the myth, where the hero Achilles, who was indestructible, had only one weakness - his heel. Only by being hit by an arrow in his heel is Achilles defeated.
Hamlet comments on Alexander the Great in this scene, because when he holds up Horatio's skull, he thinks about how it does not matter who a person is during his or her lifetime, all people are the same once they die. He goes on to describe that even a person as prominent as Alexander the Great will rot and decay like everyone else, regardless of his importance during his lifetime.
The following excerpt is True.
Richie eventually goes to war and is wounded but not fatally.
Peewee’s wounds are serious enough to earn him a discharge from the army. Peewee and Richie fly home on the same plane, along with caskets containing dead soldiers.