C. Debt service funds account for and report financial resources that are restricted, committed or assigned to expenditure for principle and interest for governmental debts except debt of proprietary and fiduciary funds who account for their own interest and principle payments.
Debt service funds are used to pay for principal and interest on certain types of debts. This reduced the risk of debt security that investors face and also reduces the effective rate at which the offering can be sold.
However debt service funds cannot be used for proprietary funds like 400 and 500.
Instead we use Enterprise funds for 400. That is operations similar to corporate enterprise. For example water and sewage utilities.
Internal service funds for 500 used by other funds or departments bin a government in a cost reimbursement basis. For example a food supplier that takes orders and is reimbursed for each order.
Concentrated Targeting Strategy
Concentrated Targeting Strategy refers to a situation in which an organization focus its marketing efforts on only a specific segment of the market. That is, only one marketing mix is developed.
Concentrated Targeting Strategy allows the producer focus on the needs and wants of a particular segment of the consumers/ population. The producer directs all it's efforts to the satisfaction of a segment of the consumers.
Concentrated Targeting Strategy could be disadvantageous if the demand of the focused segment of consumers is low. Low demand will affect the financial position of an organization.
Therefore, the modified accelerated cost recovery system (MACRS): is included in the U.S. federal income tax rule for depreciating assets.
The U.S. federal income tax rules for depreciating assets is the modified accelerated cost recovery system (MACRS). It is the current system allowed in the nation of the United States for tax computation deductions on account of depreciation for depreciable assets (other than intangible assets).
Therefore, the modified accelerated cost recovery system (MACRS): is included in the U.S. federal income tax rule for depreciating assets.
selective perception is a form of bias when new information is interpreted in a way that conforms to existing values and beliefs.