Break it down go to there level
Being on the same level as audience makes him feel comfortable
The answer is D. Metaphor
A metaphor a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable. Unlike a simile, it doesn’t use the words like or as to compare to things. So when you look at the sentence it says “The goalkeeper was a rock...” We know that the goalkeeper isn’t actually a rock, but the sentence is comparing the goal keeper to a rock without using the words “like or as”
Answer: Enthusiasm:
<em>strong excitement about something : a strong feeling of active interest in something that you like or enjoy. : something causing a feeling of excitement and active interest : a hobby that someone feels enthusiastic about. See the full definition for enthusiasm in the English Language Learners Dictionary. enthusiasm.</em>
be comfortable with the truth in life and uncomfortable with the lie
psychology in away