Check to see if its real of "fake"
Answer: <u>a few</u> people.....
i m tired because i got very <u>few</u> sleep at night
i ll only need <u>a few</u> more minutes to finish my homework
is there any milk left 'yes, <u>a little</u>
i posted that comment <u>a few </u>days ago
i had <u>a few</u> subscribers to my video blog.....
According to the French dictionary Petit Robert, it "perhaps" originally came from Italian, "Bombagia", meaning cotton.
Ref: 1220; o. i., p.-ê. de l'it. bombagia « coton
Note: Agreed, the word beige most recently came from French. I went too far back to 1220!
(edited 2018-03-08)