The Greek values of democracy were the most demonstrated in Greek theater.
The Greek values of democracy with the participation of all people in the act of theater was one of the finest examples of its time as such.
There were big stages that were holding these plays on the festival of Dionysus and the people across the land no matter how rich or poor would sit in the same arena to watch the plays.
This was a great leveler of the society and the same people were watching the same play meaning their culture was the same without any class barriers on thought and philosophy.
It will in all probability the Americas were settled by a few homesteaders who came at various circumstances, maybe by various courses and had diverse constitutions and hereditary markers, which keep on being found and faced off regarding.
The Clovis culture takes its name from the town in New Mexico, where the striking stone shot point normal for the convention was first found. Its particular qualities incorporate a focal furrow, or woodwind, along both of its countenances and finely worked edges.
It was primarily that "Miners began searching for gold in Indian lands," that caused renewed fighting between Americans and western Indians during the 1860s, although basic issues of expanded white settlement played a role as well.
The ICC was designed to regulate railroads and to ensure fair rates.
Explanation: The ICC was one of the earliest attempts to regulate the railroad industry.
Answer: Originally, the whole point of the war was to preserve the Union. However, the Emancipation Proclamation made the war about the abolishment of slavery.