Urban Rural
Latin America
Mexico .•...... 1960-1970& 32.8 34.2
1960-1970b 34.1 33.9
1965° 35.8 36.0
Panama ....... 1960-19708 25.8 33.8
1960-1970b 27.5 32.5
1965° 28.8 32.8
Ecuador ....... 1962-1974& 31.1 34.4
1962-1974b 32.2 33.8
1968C 26.1 30.5
India .......... 1961-1971a 20.1 22.5
1961-1971b 23.6 21.7
1964-1965°·d 22.3 20.6
Japan ......... 1965-19758 14.6 8.8
1970C 13.6 6.9
Finland ........ 1960-19708 4.6 2.5
1966° 10.3 5.1
Hungary ....... 1963-1970a 1.6 4.8
1967° 3.8 4.7
Norway ........ 1960-19708 6.7 8.9
1965C 7.0 9.2
Poland ........ 1960-1970& 8.8 12.2
1965° 8.0 11.9
Translation of what you asked:
the ball from different heights of a meter 1.50 m and 2 m and measure the time of the fall with the stopwatch, for the different data of height and times of your experimentation calculate the value of the acceleration of gravity, I occupy the procedure Ayudaaaaaaaa ?? ?????????
My A: this makes no sense of why you had put this question into Spanish.
16. el 17. la 18. la 19. el 20. la 21. el 22. el
the answer of this is cerca which means close
If you xvalue the 20 cm for the 10 its 24 but at the y value is the answer