<span> Finally Ulysses saw Elpenor and then burst into tears, and told him that he did not kill him on purpose and that it was an accident that Elpenor died. Elpenor says that Ulysses has to make his grave for him or Elpenor's ghost will cause Ulysses trouble. Ulysses agrees to build the grave so Elpenor warns Ulysses about more danger Ulysses will face. The last person Ulysses meets on the land of the dead is Teiresias who tells Ulysses where he will land next. After all the help the dead men gave Ulysses they made him leave and told him to return once he is dead. So Ulysses left and him and his crew were once again sailing. </span>
Many troops die at valley forge
The answer is a mixed economy I took this test before
They've decided the fate of the Indians, decided their land boundaries, but some of them have been negative, because the Indians are tax exempt, they start large businesses like casinos outside of their territories and dont pay taxes, this is very controversial today,. <span>minority group would be the american Indians, they used to be majority but now minority. they have had to fight both physically and legally to get to where they are today</span>