False. Old English was a synthetic language, which means that words' endings signalled grammatical order and word order was rather free. As Old English differentiated words' categories through their endings, words could be placed anywhere in a sentence and readers would know the category of the words.
Whenever you read about Latin's influence on Old English, you will find its influence on Old English vocabulary. As scribes translated Latin works into Old English, they frequently found no translation for some Latin words and, thus, they introduced new Latin ones.
Her raven black hair, still dripping after the shower, left a cascade of water spots trickling down the back of her white t-shirt.</span><span>SoundWe woke up sluggish, tired from last night's ruckus. Our new puppy restlessly wandered around the house, his nails clicking over the wood floor like tap-dancing beetles, and his incessant, sharp-pitched whining filled all the corners of the house.
Ugh, I hate when the sour taste of sweat drips into my mouth during practice.
Her sweater was so soft, reminding me of a velvety smooth bunny or a wispy cotton ball. I was surprised it wasn't cashmere.
<span>I made sure to chew gum before my interview. I love the smell of minty breath; that sweet, icily refreshing scent is always sure to calm me down and help me focus.</span></span></span>
The awnser is C,that she is learing new skills
The response offers an effective analysis of the source text and demonstrates an understanding of the analytical task. The response competently evaluates the author’s use of evidence, reasoning, and/or stylistic and persuasive elements, and/or feature(s) of the student’s own choosing. The response contains relevant and sufficient support for claim(s) or point(s) made. The response focuses primarily on those features of the text that are most relevant to addressing the task.
The response is mostly cohesive and demonstrates effective use and control of language. The response includes a central claim or implicit controlling idea. The response includes an effective introduction and conclusion. The response demonstrates a clear progression of ideas both within paragraphs and throughout the essay. The response has variety in sentence structures. The response demonstrates some precise word choice. The response maintains a formal style and objective tone. The response shows a good control of the conventions of standard written English and is free of significant errors that detract from the quality of writing.