Well to start of there are 5 types of text structure description, cause and effect, compare and contrast, problem and solution, and sequence. Now that you know that we can ultimately eliminate description, compare and contrast, and sequence. That leaves us with cause effect, and problem solution. It honestly can go either way so if i was you id choose one that you can find the signal words for hope this helped.
you will never reach the truth.
presenting dialogue that includes a contrasting perspective.
The song gets more intense and louder (crashendo which is a music term for getting louder) because Hamilton is referring to how he sees the bigger picture. He realizes that "the action in the street is exciting, but Jesus between all the bleeding and fighting I've been reading in righting. We need to handle our financile situation. Are we a nation of states? What's the state of our nation". He understands that there is more to the revolution than simply fighting.
I hope this helps!
Btw I LOVE Hamilton!