Enzymes work best within specific temperature and pH ranges, and sub-optimal conditions can cause an enzyme to lose its ability to bind to a substrate. Temperature: Raising temperature generally speeds up a reaction, and lowering temperature slows down a reaction.
you could chose to describe the first graph as any of the following phrases:
‘curved graph’
‘intercept on y-axis’
‘as x increases, y increases’,
‘y increases slowly at first, then more rapidly, then slows down again’ and ‘reaches a maximum level’.
you can chose to describe the second graph as any of the following phrases:
'gradually increases, then rapidly increases in a short period of time"
Cell,tissues ,Organs and Organ Systems. After tissues, organs are the next level of organization of the human body. An organ is a structure that consists of two or more types of tissues that work together to do the same job. Examples of human organs include the brain, heart, lungs, skin, and kidneys
Racial and Economic Inequalities
Aging Infrastructure
Jawless fish. The class Agnatha is a class made up of jawless fish. It excludes all vertebrates with jaws.