The method of SMART goals (an acronym for the 5 steps of specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based goals) is one of the most effective tools used by high achievers to reach their business goals consistently.
the correct answer is freedom
This is called in physics refraction phenomenon.
It occurs when light when the light passes from one medium with density d1 to another medium with density d2. The sight of the archer travel from air to deep into water & provokes a refraction.
Answer: mercury and venus are (closer to) the sun than earth is. so their orbital periods are (shorter) than earths orbit. the further a planet is from the sun the (longer) it’s orbit is.
Domain Eukarya
For an organism to be in Domain Eukarya it needs to have at least one nucleus. The organism is a eukaryote (has organelles and a nucleus), unicellular and autotrophic.