Mes parents boivent du café le matin.
Mes frères prennent des croissants.
Vous buvez de l'eau minérale.
Tu ne bois pas de boissons gazeuses.
Vous prenez des sandwichs au déjeuner
1. Je me suis lavée
2. Vous vous êtes entraînées
3. Tu t'es séché
4. Ils (Kevin and Andre) se sont brossés
Moi Même is how you say "myself" in french.
1. L'Histoire
2. Un diplome
3. L'arithmetic
4. Difficile
5. Une bourse d'etude
6. La geologie
7. Une note
8. La literature
Most of these are simply guesses, I suggest to double check whenever you can.
Remember for the articles feminine la / une and masculin le / un. When a word start with a voyelle or an h use l', and adjectif like "difficile" do not need any article
Here's what it saids Translated:
<span>This is my family in the picture. There, to the right is me Vincent, I'm fourteen. My father's father is called Roger. He is seventy-seven years old. He is friendly and funny. He likes to sing and dance. He lives in Paris with my father's mother. She's called Andree and she's sixty-nine. She is severe and selfish. On the left is the daughter of Andree. Her name is Martine. She's forty-three. I love Martine, she is funny and nice. She likes to play tennis with her nephew and niece Pascale. Pascale is twelve years old. She is small and pretty. She does not like to eat in restaurants. It is my family!</span>