Unlike the woman in the sedan who swung off the road in an effort not to hit the turtle, the driver of the light truck actually veered to hit it. So, he struck it on the verge of the shell, and it flipped and flew off the road, to safety. Frightened and motionless, the turtle kept lying on its back, and then it started an effort to roll over and go away.
Nursing an flood-affected mongoose to harbor in his home, Teddy's father let his son keep the small animal when he showed no aggressive signs. Time went by, and things seemed to be going okay; Rikki would come in and out as he pleased, and guard over his son at night. But when the two cobras (Nag and Nagaina) had snuck in their home to presumably kill him, his wife and their son, he was more than proud of the mongoose when Rikki killed one snake and chased the other out of the home.