1838-42 - British forces invade, install King Shah Shujah. He is assassinated in 1842. British and Indian troops are massacred during retreat from Kabul.
1878-80 - Second Anglo-Afghan War. A treaty gives Britain control of Afghan foreign affairs.
1919 - Emir Amanullah Khan declares independence from British influence.
1926-29 - Amanullah tries to introduce social reforms, which however stir civil unrest. He flees.
1933 - Zahir Shah becomes king and Afghanistan remains a monarchy for next four decades.
1953 - General Mohammed Daud becomes prime minister. Turns to Soviet Union for economic and military assistance. Introduces social reforms, such as abolition of purdah (practice of secluding women from public view).
1963 - Mohammed Daud forced to resign as prime minister.
1964 - Constitutional monarchy introduced - but leads to political polarisation and power struggles.
1973 - Mohammed Daud seizes power in a coup and declares a republic. Tries to play off USSR against Western powers.
1978 - General Daud is overthrown and killed in a pro-Soviet coup. The People's Democratic Party comes to power but is paralysed by violent infighting and faces opposition by US-backed mujahideen groups.
Sector 7,
New Delhi
Date- 16th August 2018
Dear Mother,
How are you? Everything is well at my end and hope the same with you. In this letter, I wanted to tell you about today as today was one of the most hectic days. Because of the Independence Day celebration, I was very tired since yesterday. And today my maths teacher had asked us to complete the assignment tomorrow itself. Although I've completed the task but have become very tired.
For now, I’m ending the letter. Will talk about it more in another letter. Take care of yourself.
Your loving son
A few words with the prefix pater/part are:
patriarch - head of the household
paternal - relating to the father
paternity - test to determine child's father.