The primary difference between these accounts is that a checking account's funds are your own money from deposits and a credit card account's funds are money loaned to you from the card's bank. This means that purchases made with a credit card can incur interest since it's borrowed money.
The knowledge of cost behavior is important for managerial decision making as, having a thorough knowledge about this enables the manager to predict whether any costs will decrease or increase as business activity changes.
For instance, if a production line is nearing capacity, the relevant cost behavior would be to expect a large cost increase (to pay for an equipment expansion) if incremental demand increased by a small amount. Understanding cost behavior is an essential component of cost-volume-profit analysis.
Learn more about Cost Behavior here
North: 42
South: 38.5(?)
The thing is a bit blurry so this may not be right.
Describe: is see factories next to a port by houses
Analyse: what do they make in those factories what kind of Goods do they make?
Question: how much pollution is this causing?