Formal letters deal with official issues
It is a simple sentence.
A simple sentence contains one independent clause - which is the case with sentence 7. There is one subject (they) and one verb (rule), which means that it is a simple sentence (because of one verb only). A dependent clause wouldn't be able to stand on its own, and sentence 7 obviously can, which is why it is not dependent.
There are two main “voices” in English writing: the active voice and the passive voice. You’ve probably heard a lot about them—and you’ve probably been warned away from the passive voice. But what exactly are they?In the simplest terms, an active voice sentence is written in the form of “A does B.” (For example, “Carmen sings the song.”) A passive voice sentence is written in the form of “B is done by A.” (For example, “The song is sung by Carmen.”) Both constructions are grammatically sound and correct. Let’s look at a couple more examples of the passive voice:I’ve