It's going to differ between people. Some people will have trouble staying focused on the prompt. Others will find difficulty in supporting their ideas. Still others may be unable to utilize grammar effectively.
Answer: mercury and venus are (closer to) the sun than earth is. so their orbital periods are (shorter) than earths orbit. the further a planet is from the sun the (longer) it’s orbit is.
Baking powder is primarily used as a leavening agent in baked goods and products. It is a combination of cornstarch, cream of tartar and baking soda. The main observation that suggests that it is a mixture of substances is that fact that it produces a gas which facilitates the rising of the baked goods.
The right answer is: "There must be a perfect freedom on both sides". beyond the mere symbolism that represents the delivery of a ring, it is assumed in this context that the woman will also enjoy the emancipation that the marriage dissolution represents. In such a way that the independence of the woman must be the same -or even bigger- than the man.