The arrangement of the key signatures in the Circle of Fifths is based on the number of sharps or flats in each key. Each key signature is separated by the distance of a fifth interval. There are 7 sharp keys and 7 flat keys. However, the top of the Circle, is our neutral key, meaning no sharps or flats: C Major.
Abstract art is art that is know for the shapes and colors it uses. And it's know to not be realistic and just be whatever the artist decides.
During the renaissance artists painted or sculpted the art to look similar to everyday lives of people.
An artifact is a term associated with finding something from a different time period. It is too specific. Not B
Renaissance: is a time period were human thought developed most strongly. In the west, the thought of the church was somewhat abandoned. The answer is not C.
A pictograph is a symbol for a word or phrase. It might be described as a term refering to growth, but growth is not quite the right word.
The answer is A aesthetics. That includes any of the arts.
The writer is trying to portray a love and hate relationship for the person and place he is writing about. This is because the writer talks about loving a girl and wanting to hold her hands in his sweater but at the same time he doesn’t like the sand on the beach or the cold weather.