Cause and effect pattern is used.
Climate change pressures will influence marine planktonic systems globally, and it is conceivable that harmful algal blooms may increase in frequency and severity.
These pressures will be manifest as alterations in temperature, stratification, light, ocean acidification, precipitation-induced nutrient inputs, and grazing, but absence of fundamental knowledge of the mechanisms driving harmful algal blooms frustrates most hope of forecasting their future prevalence.
There is expectation that harmful algal bloom (HAB) geographical domains should expand in some cases, as will seasonal windows of opportunity for harmful algal blooms at higher latitudes.
Yes. Instead of a semicolon after Party, end the sentence. The rest is good
Facts, Statistics, or examples
Riding an elephant is a great experience.
Explanation: The passage was mostly talking about how great it is to rid an elephant. Also none of the other answers really fit.