Answer/explanation: China became communist. Leading the US to cut ties with them. Vietnam and Korea were split along a parallel, which divided the communist north and the democratic south
The agricultural revolution led to the need for organized government
you have LBJ to thank for Medicare, Medicaid, and Head Start. He championed the right for minorities to vote, buy homes, and go to school the same as whites. Johnson's Great Society program created the National Endowment for the Arts, the Public Broadcasting Corporation, and drivers' education.3
You also have him to thank for the scar of the Vietnam War, which he escalated but could not win.
LBJ's increased government spending added $42 billion, or 13%, to the national debt. It was almost double the amount added by JFK, but less than a third of the debt added by President Nixon. Since Johnson, every president has increased the debt by at least 30%
It also boosted gross domestic product during Johnson's term. As a result, LBJ was one of the few presidents to avoid any recessions. The unemployment rate fell during the years he was in office.
Martin Luther King's famous speech "I Have a Dream" deals with racism and segregation of people of color. He says in his speech that he wishes for a world where those things don't exist, and where every human is free and shares equal rights as everyone else, regardless of religion, gender, skin color, or sexual preferences. Hope this helps!
So that many people were represented and their opinions heard.