The probability that this couple will have a child with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is 50/50
This Punnett square shows our woman as "xx" and our man at "xy". Knowing this, we can now look back at the Punnett square's results. Out of the four squares, two of them are fill with the woman's carried condition, but the other two are also filled with the man's. So, that leaves us with a 50 percent chance that their child will have DMD.
Hope this helped!
Sources: N/A
If mitosis skipped any of the stages, it would result in a mutated cell. If the cell skipped Metaphase, it could make daughter cells that are different than the parent cells. If the cell skipped Telophase, the cell would not divide, and the parent cell would attempt interphase with another nucleus.
The cell cycle has two main phases, interphase and mitosis. Mitosis is the process during which one cell divides into two. Interphase is the time during which preparations for mitosis are made.
At least 12 million years ago?
The ANALOG FORECASTING METHOD is known as the oldest method in the forecasting of weather. This kind of method reviews the previous weather events in order to lead to a particular weather event. Hope this helps.