<span>In implementing a lean production system you should work with suppliers to do which of the following? Reduce lead time. In a lean production system, the ultimate goal is to reduce the amount of time wasted on production activities. Maximizing your time allows for more productivity and the work gets completed at a faster rate. </span>
Economist A
Government spending multiplier $4billion
Tax multiplier $8billion
Economist B
Government spending multiplier $8billion
Tax multiplier $2billion
Computation for the amount the government would have to increase spending to close the output gap according to each economist's belief
Government spending multiplier=16/4
Government spending multiplier=$4billion
Tax multiplier=16/2
Tax multiplier=$8billion
Government spending multiplier=16/2
Government spending multiplier=$8billion
Tax multiplier=16/8
Tax multiplier=$2billion
Therefore the amount the government would have to increase spending to close the output gap according to each economist's belief are :
Government spending multiplier=$4billion
Tax multiplier=$8billion
Government spending multiplier=$8billion
Tax multiplier=$2billion
Being a businessman and being charitable at the same time is just next to impossible at the time of expanding one's firm.
A business person's main motive has to be his ability to expand, so that he reaches that particular stage to do some charity for his fellow citizens. If you look at the unemployment part, then you must know that every person is somehow talented and in countries like the US, no one lives unemployed.
Therefore, it is necessary for a business person to calculate the cost factors, that does not only include the cost of labors, but also the cost of exporting the materials to Bangladesh and the cost of importing the final products. Then he needs to compare the total cost making the shoes in Bangladesh with making them via the US labors, and then take the decision accordingly.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
The nations selling the gasoline would be in trouble. They would earn less money and the possibility of a depression like the one the US had under Hoover and FDR would occur.