No. 1 Autographic Kodak Junior
Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy love it for u
While technology continues to get bigger and better, we humans haven't really changed at all. We continue to pollute and rob our oceans dry, give injustice to people of our own species because of their skin color, and much more. So while everything around us changes, us? Well, we have lots of catching up to do.
This is just what I took from it...
Not an oxymoron, because that is when you juxtapose 2 opposites. "Stupid genius"
Not onomatopoeia, because that is using the sound something makes to describe it. "buzz of a bee"
Not analogy, because that us a comparison between two things to explain. "an orange is like a mango, just different"
A refrain is the repetition of certain lines, like a chorus.