The two things that motivated the explorers to navigate the world must have been the desire to find new lands that could be owned and the possibility of coming across huge deposits of gold.
- The very reason for the Spanish, Portuguese, and the French to set out on exploration tours was the desire for wealth through gold and land.
- Moreover, they had heard about the wealth that is there in countries like India and China and that must have made them set out on voyages to find these countries.
Religious freedom in Europe varies greatly from country to country. States can differ on whether or not they guarantee equal legal treatment for people of different religions.
Restrictions on the amounts individuals may contribute to political Campaigns
The Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA)
-limited amounts of campaign contributions by individuals & organizations
-created public funding for presidential elections (voluntary $3 check off on income tax returns)
-requires disclosure of contributions
dirty money
<em>Hope this helps!!!</em>