temperature and precipitation
The Full Moon Phase
After 14 days, the moon is 180 degrees away from the Sun, with the Sun, Earth and Moon, forming a straight line. The moon would completely be illuminated by the Sun. Hence, this is called the “full moon phase.” This is the only time during the entire month when the Earth's shadow could be close to the moon.
blue is the most efficient while green is the least efficient
It is well known that different photosynthetic pigments can absorb light at different wavelengths. Thus, the amount of light absorbed during photosynthesis depends on the color of the source light. The leaves have green color because chlorophyll is a photosynthetic pigment that absorbs light at all wavelengths and reflects green light. The best wavelengths are those at 430–450 nm (blue range) and 600–700 nm (red range), thereby photosynthesis is most efficient when plants are illuminated by light sources that emit blue and red lights. Moreover, sources that emit light at the green wavelength are least efficient for photosynthesis.
oxygen reacting with the mineral in roco
Floodplains are identified as zones on FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs). Flood zones are defined by type, depth, and frequency of flooding. But the shape and nature of a floodplain may also change over time as the main channel of a river naturally migrates through erosion and accretion, impacting how and where excess water may first over top the banks of the river during a flood event. Geologically ancient floodplains are often represented in the landscape by fluvial terraces. These are old floodplains that remain relatively high above the present floodplain and indicate former courses of a stream. I HOPE THIS HELPS YOU :)