The characters of every story typically exhibit generalized traits that are collectively called archetypes. the traits of an archetype combine with events in the story to convey to the reader a particular moral or ethical message. One such archetype is the epic hero, who is often characterized by a connection to the gods and typically more physically and mental gifted than other characters in the story. The epic hero archetypes also find themselves on a quest or a voyage fraught with adversity and must overcome it in a way that highlights the moral ideal or value of their society. For years, Beowulf has been described as a prime example of the epic hero archetype. gives Beowulf as an example in its definition of the term and enotes uses examples from the story of Beowulf to elaborate on the characteristics of epic heroes, so the belief is deeply ingrained.
The Epic Hero Archetype Fails to Explain Beowulf's Actions
But a closer look at the facts reveal a problematic shortsightedness in this assessment. An analysis of Beowulf’s history, his personal feats of strength and triumph over Grendel and Grendel's mother are epic, indeed. Yet the story doesn’t end there. After all the events that highlight the characteristics indicative of a epic hero transpire, Beowulf, now in his old age, unwisely fights a disgruntled dragon by himself and pays with his life. Nothing in the archetype of an epic hero justifies this reckless lack of judgement.
idea of identity is the pivotal theme of the poem “Song of Myself.”
Walt Whitman explores the idea of self and his relationship with other
human beings, as well as nature and the universe. He is proud of himself
and of his nation’s people. According to him, a true American is fair
and believes in democracy. A true American is not prejudiced and is open
to knowing people from all walks of life and all kinds of experiences.
Whitman celebrates himself and America in his poem. He also expresses
his love for nature and the universe. A true American, according to
Whitman, believes that truth exists everywhere. Whitman is not afraid of
death and believes that life does not come to a stop even after death.
Instead, the soul goes back to nature, and the remains of the dead grow
in the form of vegetation.
Answer: Yes with possible slight variation A main idea is more general, while a concept is more specific. For example in an essay about child labour you could say the main concept is child labor, but the main idea is how to combat child labor.
Anne explains her plan for helping the neighborhood children.
Society is what best summarizes the role of conversation.