Germany sent a coded message (aka Zimmerman Telegram) to Mexico proposing an alliance between Germany and Mexico. Germany suggested Mexico reclaim it's former territory by going to war with the United States, thus distracting them from the World War. President of the United States Woodrow Wilson got his hands on this telegram and joined the Triple Entente in the war weeks later.
Answer: The atrocities suffered by the Jews during the Holocaust encouraged the Allied powers to push for the formation of Israel.
I would think that it is C which was concerned about growing German domination of Europe because the United States at this part of the war was still neutral and it's allies in Europe were taking a beating especially Great Britain. France was out of the picture. China wasn't doing so well either. So, the US in an effort to help its allies while still remaining neutral, passed the Lend Lease Act which provided, military, financial support to the countries that needed immediate help/.