I had a frightening dream last night, I dreamed that I was walking high up on a railroad trestle. It looked like the one I used to walk on when I was about 10 years old. At that height, my palms were sweating, just as they did when I was a boy. I could see the ground out of the corners of my eyes, I felt a swooning, sickening sensation. Suddenly, I realized there were rats below, thousands and thousands of rats. They knew I was up the trestle, they were squeaking because they were sure they would get me. Their teeth glinted in the moonlight, their red eyes were like thousands of small reflectors, that almost blinded my sight. Sensing that there was something even more hideous behind me, I kept moving forward. I then realised that I was coming to a gap in the trestle. I knew there was no way I could stop or go back, I would have to cross over that empty gap. I jumped in despair knowing I would never make it. I felt myself falling down to the mischief of rejoicing rats. I woke up covered with sweat, half expecting to find a rat on my bed. I then realized I should not watch scary television shows before I go to bed.
The theme prominent is the death of a young man at the height of his strength and his career. Death of a young person is a common theme in poetry and this one is very famous because of the emotions that it awakens in a person. Poe was known for writing poems like this usually including young women who die before becoming old.
I dint follow... is this an open ended question? or is it multiple choice? and to litterally kill one is simple. grab it, and kill it.
His “white eyes writhing in his face”, “his hanging face”, the blood jolts “gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs” — all are expressive of the tragic situation the soldiers have to face in war. So, imagery is the device the poet has employed in the poem 'Dulce et Decorum Est' to convey his anti-war message.
Categorize the new behavior of recently converted Britons.