Lower class is clasified as poor
Middle class is classified as living a comfortable life, nwither rich nor poor
And upper class is classified as rich
C) scarcity
less products to go around
Assertive rational
It is assertive rational form of attention is evident in his action because the moment he realised he lost his key, he got straight to looking for it careful which is a rational taught pattern.
A. What is sociological imagination?
The sociological imagination refers to a mental practice in which we are able to imagine ourselves as distant and separate from the routines of our daily lives. The objective of this is to be able to look our institutions with fresh and critical eyes. Therefore, a person that possesses this ability will be able to pull away from his own context and be able to imagine what alternative escenarios would look like.
B. How can using the sociological imagination give us the power to change the world? Give a suitable example.
One of the advantages of having a sociological imagination is that it allows us to better understand the connection between individual experience and the social reality. Therefore, we might be able to see social structures more clearly and how these impact on individual agency. For example, if we think of having no money as a personal experience, we might only feel ashamed. However, if we see poverty as a symptom of a larger structure, such as capitalism, then we are better able to think of alternatives that will create more just or egalitarian social structures.
Its cut off could you fix that so we can see the whole thing then it will be easier to help you.