The conflict was partly political and partly religious.
1. Vietnam is divided into two countries
2. The Viet Cong start a resistance against Ngo Dinh
3. President Johnson escalates US involvement in the war
4. Vietnam is unified under a communist government
migration; diffusion
With the migration of people from fertile areas, knowledge of agriculture spread by diffusion.
The Alabama Slave Code of 1852 was a list of laws about bondage. The code was long and mostly controlled the behavior of enslaved Africans, but it also made rules that affected whites and showed how they felt about slaves.
1. No slave must go beyond the limits of the plantation on which he or she resides, without a pass, or some letter from his master or overseer.
2. No slave can keep or carry a gun, powder, shot, club, or other weapon..
3. No slave can, under any presence, keep a dog.
4. No slave can own property.
5. Not more than five male slaves shall assemble together at any place off the plantation.
The Continental System was a decree by the Emperor of France, Napoleon Bonaparte which was made to limit British trade and bankrupt the country.
At his mightiest, Napoleon controlled almost every powerful country in Europe, except for Britain and Russia. He found it difficult to directly attack Britain and instead wanted to bankrupt it.
However, this eventually backfired and left France in a very bad economic conditions and Britain took advantage of this.
Many smaller countries that France had annexed, took up arms against Napoleon and began to fight. With a weakened economic position, Napoleon eventually lost the Empire.