Correct answer: D. People were more willing to turn to radical forms of government.
The Depression became a global phenomenon because of trade connections and the United States pulling back from financial involvements elsewhere in the world. American banks stopped investing, and demanded repayment of loans.
Germany was the most dangerous example of what went wrong. After the Great War (World War I), Germany was required to pay heavy reparations payments to Britain and France. Meanwhile, Britain and France owed repayment of funds to the United States for borrowing they had done during the war. So the United States had been supporting Germany in the 1920s with loans. When the USA could no longer afford to extend loan monies to Germany after the stock market crash of 1929, that sent Germany's economy spiraling even deeper into the Depression than was felt in the United States.
The bad situation in Germany made it possible for a radical leader like Hitler, making all sorts of bold promises, to win over enough people to rise to power. Hitler promised a return to national greatness and fiercely rebuilt Germany as a military machine. The rise of Hitler and the Nazis brought about World War II in Europe.