I think she is Beatrice
Inferno canto II- "i was among those spirits in suspense: a lady called me, so beautiful and blessed that i at once implored her to command me. "her eyes outshone the light of any star. sweetly and softly she began to speak with the voice of an angel in her own words: (ii, 52–57) Beatrice is the lady who has come to speak to the poet as indicated by the lines above
NASA help with information that includes space, starts and moons
Animals seem to sense your mood.
animals can be bestfriend for human beings
Both Napoleon and Snowball definitely want the the farm run by animals by getting rid of Mr. Johns and they both are instrumental in spreading Animalism. But they are also different, Snowball wants animals to work together and run the farm, while Napoleon is more totalitarian and eventually usurps power.