Bryan was the last of the Great Political Orators in some ways. He could speak at great length on any topic, using powerful imagery, often of a religious nature, to audiences raised on such language and imagery.
Unfortunately, the telegraph already was encouraging economy of language, and the radio would make long speeches less useful than shorter ones which reached the point quickly. People in churches no longer spent hours listening to a single sermon, and those who followed the earsteps of Abraham Lincoln learned that eloquence was not a matter of length, but of substance.
The “Cross of Gold” speech which he thought would propel him to the Presidency would not work today.
The only orators today who speak interminably tend to be dictatorial in nature, in love with their own voice, and whose followers dote on every word, no matter how repetitious. Bryan was leagues above that, but someone who seeks his skill will learn why society has passed the skills of the long-sermoned preacher by.
On July 26, 1948, President Harry S. Truman issued Executive Order 9981 establishing equality of treatment and opportunity in the U.S. military regardless of race. He appointed the President's Committee on Equality of Treatment and Opportunity in the Armed Services, two of whose five members were African American.
"Erastus D. Ladd is known for his "Description of the Lawrence Massacre" did not think that what these voters did were legal. They murdered a lot of people and ruined a town that was supposed to be Ladd's home. In the account, there were 240 orphans and 85 widows because of the massacre. "
The Atlantic Ocean is spreading at its central part. The African and South American plates are moving away from one another. There's a mid-ocean ridge which is very active, and there's constant formation of new crust by the emerging magma from the mantle. The new crust is pilling up, and it is also pushing aside the old crust, so little by little the two plates move further apart. Apart from South America and Africa moving further away from each other, this also means that the Atlantic Ocean is becoming larger and larger every year, which is actually the only ocean at present to do so, as all the others are becoming smaller.