Global Warming is simply the long-term rise in temperature of the Earth's core, which inevitably would effect the climate systems of the Earth.
The Green House Effect is the natural process that warms the Earths surface.
The Green House Effect--> When the Sun's energy reaches the Earth's atmosphere, some of it is reflected back into space and the rest is absorbed and re-radiated by the greenhouse gases.
The gravitational force is being felt as the Earth pulls the train downwards using the two forces. The coils that provide the forces releases an electrical current which makes an electromagnetic field. It repels the materials with an equal force that goes up as well.
I think Autorhythmic fibers are fibers that are self excitable or on their own for example some cardiac muscle. They repeatedly generate action potentials that trigger heart contractions.They continue to stimulate a heart to beat even when it is removed from the body. In comparison to contractile fibers, autorhythmic fibers are self excitable and do not require nervous system stimulation to trigger contractions. Contractile fibers have stable resting membrane potentials of -90mV, when a contractile fibers reaches threshold by action potential, the voltage gated fast sodium ions channels will open.
The flow of energy in an ecosystem is best described as energy moving in one direction from the sun to the producers then to the consumers.
Energy flow is the amount of energy that moves through successive trophic levels of a food chain in an ecosystem. Ecosystem maintain themselves by cycling energy and nutrients.
The energy from sunlight is taken up by producers which use it to produce organic compounds through photosynthesis. The energy is then passed successively to the trophic levels, that is from the producers to the consumers ( primary, secondary, tertiary and quotienary consumers). During this transfer some energy is lost at each trophic level in form of heat.
This would be false as it is just nerves inside of the body impulsing between each other and that would not be necessary to adapt to a new environment.
I hope this helped!
I am, yours most sincerely,