Multiply 2/3 and your number. If you have a whole number, convert it to a fraction by putting it over a denominator of 1. When multiplying fractions, calculate numerator times numerator, then denominator times denominator. For example, to find two-thirds of 18, multiply 2/3 x 18/1 to get 36/3.
3ft per second on a still sidewalk (27/9) , 11ft on the moving sidewalk.(99/9)
Hope this helps!
Divide distance with time
132 feet
Step-by-step explanation:
Let's call:
a = price of 1 apple
p = price of 1 peach
The total cost is the price of 1 apple times the number of apples plus the price of 1 peach times the number of peaches, therefore the system can be:

Solve for a in the second equation (you can choose to solve for any of the variables in any of the equations, try to understand what is the best):
a = (4.82 - 5p) / 4
Now, substitute in the first equation:
6 · (4.82 - 5p) / 4 + 9p = 7.86
7.23 - (15/2)p + 9p = 7.86
(3/2)p = 0.63
p = 0.42
Now, substitute this value in the formula found for a:
<span>a = (4.82 - 5·0.42) / 4</span>
= 0.68
Therefore, one apple costs
0.68$ and one peach costs