Ahmed and Fatima, two teenage siblings, are fighting over the evening newspaper. Knowing Ahmed only wants the sports section and Fatima only wants the latest stock quotations, their mother takes the paper and gives each the section containing their news of interest. In the context of mediation, the mother arrived at a(n) <u><em>integrative agreement.</em></u>
In business studies, an integrative agreement can be described as a situation in which all the parties benefit from an action and are in win-win situation. An integrative agreement tends to find beneficial options for both the parties at dispute so that a mutual agreement can occur between them.
In the following scenario, Ahmed and Fatima's mother provided a solution which benefited both of them. Hence, it is an example of an integrative agreement.
Clouded leopard
Hope this helps:)
The answer is C. Carbon Dioxide and also A) water
Plants and algae use carbon dioxide and water in presence of sunlight to perfrom photosynthesis. Oxygen is a by-product of this process and is used later by the plant for respiration.
A population is a group of organisms of the same species that live in the same area at the same time.
A) the diameter of the helix
This is was measured during the 3D structure of DNA proposed by James Waston and Francis Crick in 1953. The x-ray diffraction showed crossed shape of the X-ray films.The DNA appeared as two double strands structure.
The diameter of the DNA double helix is 20 Armstrong.
This diameter is constant because of the complementary pairing of bases.( purines with pyrimidines)