What type of question is this
The correct answer is A. To tell what action someone or something is performing
In language, verbs are commonly classified into action or linking verbs. Linking verbs such as be, feel, seem and become mainly expressed a state or condition of the subject connect it with other words that define it. On the other hand, action verbs directly express an action rather than a state or condition and because of this, they tell the reader the action that is performed by someone, examples of this verbs include the verbs cook, play, do, buy, love, read, etc. that express actions as in the sentence "Amy is cooking spaghetti" that describes the action Amy is performing. According to this, the main function of an action verb is to tell what action someone or something is performing.
When he is arrested for being in a cult, she asks if he is. "Of course not," he responds. The arrest occurred after a cult shooting at the university. A curfew was imposed, which Nnamabia violated by staying out drinking.