This question is about "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass"
a. Learning to read is as important as freedom
Douglass believed that learning to read and write was as important as freedom, because knowing how to read and write promoted freedom through knowledge. When he was a slave he was forbidden to learn to read and write because one of his masters informed him that it was dangerous to teach a slave this. Douglass soon understood why. he saw that if a slave knew and wrote he would get enough knowledge to understand that his servile condition was unfair and incorrect, he would also learn the guidelines necessary to free himself and his fellowmen from this oppressive system.
I don’t under stand what u r saying
1. Nick was different to Daisy and Tom
because He earns a living. Daisy and Tom are an immensely wealthy couple.
2. Michelle threw her hands up in
Exaltation. Exaltation is defined as extreme happiness
3. Gatsby tells Nick that his family
died and left him a huge amount of money, making him the richest man
When Daisy visited Gatsby, She was surprised that Gatsby was alone. She
was curious why he lives alone in a very big house
5. Gatsby isn’t accepted by the people
with likes of Daisy and Tome because of his “new” money despite the lavish
parties that he threw, people are always spreading gossips and rumors about him
I would say that there isn't enough Information or a link to the question that you are asking.
Frederick Douglass and Harriet Beecher Stowe mainly wrote about slavery.