A) Chlorophyll absorbs sunlight energy for photosynthesis. :)
To quote Nat Geo:
"Chlorophyll’s job in a plant is to absorb light—usually sunlight. The energy absorbed from light is transferred to two kinds of energy-storing molecules" :)
I'm not sure what the options are for an answer but based on what I remember from my ENTO class, it would be secondary myiasis.
divergent, convergent, transform
A. Cyanobacteria.
Both cyanobacteria and plants use water as an electron donor for the light phase of photosynthesis and make ATP and NADPH. The ATP and NADPH are used in the Calvin cycle to fix the atmospheric CO2 into glucose. The use of water as an electron donor releases oxygen gas as a by-product. This photosynthesis wherein the use of water as an electron donor releases oxygen gas as a by-product is also called oxygenic photosynthesis.
Go online and look up ressesive and dominate Gene's and Gregory Mendel he crossbreed plants such as what you have described and have found some interesting results that do include your red and white crossbreeding to create pink. this is usually called a Punnet Square.
dominate gene
Red = R
White = W
recessive gene
White = w
pink is either a mixture of recessive and dominant Gene's or one dominant and one recessive