A phase change does not change the chemical make-up of a substance. Phase changes are typically temperature dependent, and change only the movement and physical arrangement of the atoms and molecules in the substance. Water, for example, is composed of two hydrogen atoms attached to an oxygen atom by covalent bonds. That stays the same whether the water is solid (ice), liquid (water), or gas (steam). The chemical structure of water does not change as it goes through the different faces. It's still water. What does change is the speed at which the molecules move and how far apart they are as a result. Water vapor consists of molecules moving quickly and at random. As temperature drops, water molecules slow down. Since water is slightly polar, hydrogen bonds form between the molecules bringing them closer together.
Since it is a recessive gene, tumor suppressor genes required the inactivation of both alleles, this is usually accomplished by the mutation of one allele and a targeted homozygous deletion of the second allele. This leads to an effective inactivation of the suppressor genes with the mutations acting a a dominant negatives. This way, patients are put at a higher risk of developing cancer
Helps with oxygen and stuff
Answer + Explanation :
Bacteria :
1) Approximately diameter is 1-5 micrometer
2) They are prokaryotic.
3) They have rigid cell wall containing peptidoglycan.
4) Replicate by binary fission
Fungi :
1) Approximately 3-10 micrometers in diameter.
2) They are eukaryotic.
3) Rigid cell wall containing chitin.
4) Replicate by budding or mitosis.
<u>Viruses :</u>
1) Approximately 0.02-0.2 in diameter.
2) They are eukaryotic.
3) They contain protien capsid and lipoprotien envelope.
4) Donot replicate by binary fission.
<u>Archae :</u>
1) Not typically associated with human disease.
2) Found in extreme environments.
3) Cell wall doesn't contain peptidoglycan.