The plague sweat over the nation causing mass death and pestilence
The limits on the powers of Congress are as follows:
1. The Congress is not allowed to pass laws post ex facto which means that the law cannot prosecute people for a something that was not considered a crime before.
2. Congress is denied the ability to pass bills of attainder meaning they are not allowed to prosecute criminals in special tribunals but only in regular court trials.
3. The Congress cannot suspend the writ of habeas corpus means that the Congress cannot deny the right of the criminals to stand before a judge and learn the charges they face that enables them to defend themselves.
The correct answer is A. Radical Republicans.
The Fifteenth Amendment gave people of color the right to vote, so D is definitely incorrect. B is incorrect too because labor union organizers wanted all workers to have the same rights. C is incorrect because by passing this Amendment, it would mean better prospects for women too. This leaves us with A, given that these Republicans were the ones who owned slaves in the first place.
Scientific innovations created jobs for Americans by that product going nation-wide. What that means, is that when someone's scientific innovation went nation wide, or even global, they wold have to build factories, and places to make and sell that product. With those new buildings, comes new jobs, and he economy is improved. Take Thomas Edison for example. He commercialized the light bulb. When it became popular, he build huge power plants to build his product. He had to have people build his product inside the power plant. Those new jobs were filled by Americans.