the Caribbean islands can be divided into three groups: the Bahamas, the Greater Antilles, and the Lesser Antilles.
b. To ensure that trade generated taxes for the Crown.
English financial approach was mercantilist in nature. The British Parliament established such instruments as protectionist exchange hindrances, legislative controls, and sponsorships to household ventures to augment British funds to the detriment of pioneer regions and other European royal forces.
The statement is true, but applies for small countries were things are not far apart like England, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany.
In the United States, before the massification of cars, most people who worked in the city still lived in the cities because distances are much higher.
Only with the advent of cars and the construction of large highways within the cities, and between the cities, suburbanization was possible.
Answer: Heliocentrism (the sun is the center of the solar system)
The prior belief was that the earth was the center of the solar system (geocentrism)
Louisiana purchase entailed negative consequences for most of the Louisiana population - blacks and Indians - and became one of the causes of acute social contradictions in modern America. In just 30 years, Americans ousted Indians from most of the Mississippi Valley, physically destroying or expelling them from their ancestral lands through fraudulent treaties.