First you need to convert 32 into a fraction, so just add 1 as the denominator; 5/8 ÷ 32/1. But you can't divide fractions, so multiply by the reciprocal. 5/8 · 1/32. You should get 5/256 as your answer. I hope that helped!
For this, no math is even needed! The question says 1,000 people were interviewed. 42% percent of that 1,000 owns an SUV. If it's a percent, it is 42/100, right? Now we have to make that 42/100 out of 1000. We add a zero to the 100 on the bottom (42/1000). We do the same thing on the top. Add a zero! 420.
Solve this with logic! 42% is nearly 50%. Half of 1,000 is 500. What is closest to 500? 420! This solution is even easier.
Hope this helps you!
x = 12 efg = 132
Step-by-step explanation:
Find the sum or product of what?