The chair<span> sets the </span>committee's<span> agenda, determining when—or in many states, whether—bills will be considered. Other responsibilities of a </span>committee chair<span>typically include: Calling the </span>committee<span> together to perform its duties. Presiding and maintaining order over meetings.</span>
<span> The Romans captured and destroyed the city of Carthage in 146 B.C. Turning Africa into another province of the Roman Empire</span>
Speaker Two
Carpetbaggers were known to be greedy opportunists.
The right answer is A. the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains.
The Louisiana territory, initially populated by Indians, then settled by the French, had been ceded to Spain in 1763. Since that time the dream of retaking Louisiana had stirred the French, and the audacious general Napoléon Bonaparte had retrieved it for France from his Spanish allies in 1800. Napoléon was willing to sell the Louisiana Territory because his French army in Saint-Domingue (Haiti) had been decimated not only by a massive slave revolt but also by yellow fever. Concerned about financing another round of warfare in Europe, Napoléon decided to cut French losses in the Americas by selling the entire Louisiana Territory and thereby gaining cash for his ongoing war with Great Britain. Great Britain. By the Treaty of Cession, dated April 30, 1803, the United States obtained the Louisiana Territory for about $15 million.