Mr. Hanson's insistence that the bee hive be removed from his car convinced the mechanic to call an expert.
Insistence is the only option that fit in the blank since it is the only adjective of the list.
Insistence can fe defined as the fact or quality of insisting that something is the case or should be done.
Insistent is an adjective and insists is a verb. Insistency is not correct. So, those thre options could never complete the sentence.
1)Ann likes to play chess and guitar.
2)My mother can bake brownies and pizza.
3)I am good at maths but I am not good in writing long sentences.
4)You can pick red dress and you can pick blue dress.
5)I am not going to do my homework for I did not understand the question.
6) you can borrow my umbrella but i need it too.
7) I am going to my friend’s place but/so i have to finish my errands first.
a simple sentence can be converted into a compound sentence by expanding a word or phrase into a clause and by using a <em>coordinating conjunction</em> to connect the clauses.
<em>coordinating conjunction: </em>
for, and, nor, but, or, yet & so.
adopted is the adjective : it qualifies "daughter"
To see if u can be fit enough to gain entry to university and to also see if u can remember things u learnt in school from first grade
Try your best. Research. Have fun. :)