Not happy child because not happy is the same as unhappy
In order to have a profession you need to get an education first. You will learn many things that will help you in your profession, no matter what it is. Even an internship is an education. If you start out working along side someone, that someone is giving you an education in how to do the job you want to do.
If you are planning a profession such as a doctor or lawyer, prepare yourself for a LOT of education. You need at least a basic education in order to prepare you for ANY profession. Add, subtract, multiply, divide, read, write and other things so you won’t get cheated out of pay at the least.
Without an education of some kind, you will not be able to do anything. Even if you are a king or queen that you inherited by birth, you still need to know how to decide things. Everything else can be done for you. But there are very few openings for kings and queens these days.
It means that being an American is a source of pride and that is why people sing with their mouths open, that is, they sing loudly so that everyone can hear how proud they are.
Although you did not show in the question above, the line you present is part of the poem "I Hear America Singing" where we are introduced to the American working class and how they do their jobs happily while helping to build the country they love so much. The poem shows how important these workers are and reinforces how proud they are of their roles, as well as being extremely proud to be American, even going so far as to sing about it "with open mouths," which means that they sing loud enough so that everyone can hear well.
on a shoestring. With very limited financial means, as in The newlyweds were living on a shoestring. The precise allusion in this term is unclear. One fanciful theory is that debtors in British prisons would lower a shoe by its laces from a window so as to collect funds from visitors or passers-by.
We can learn that if you have the determination nothing is unattainable.
She has taught women that it is not impossible to succeed to life even if you have a child in you teens years you just need to stick with your goals and work toward the finish line.