What Are The Function Of Food? The main objectives or functions of food are energy intake, plastic, regulator, and reserve. All the foods we consume have 3 different functions that help the body in the following way: 1. Structural and Plastic. This function is directly involved in the body’s building and repair processes.
Physiological functions of food
a. Energy giving. This group includes foods rich in carbohydrate, fats and proteins. ...
b. Body Building: The foods we eat become us. Thus one of the most important functions of food is that of building the body.
c. Protective and Regulatory function. Foods rich in protein, vitamins and minerals have regulatory functions in the body eg. maintaining the heart beat, water balance and body temperature.
In the food vacuole secretes digestive juices inside the vacuole that help in its digestion. The amoeba secretes waste out of its body by spurting out the waste through the nucleus. Nutrition in grass eating animals. In grass eating animals, Buffaloes and other animals swallow grass and store it in a separate part of the stomach called Rumen.