The potential mother would be wasting her body's energy and resources constantly producing milk without using it to feed her baby, requiring for her to attain more energy, where she could have just waited until she actually gets pregnant and then start producing milk for her baby once it is close to being or already born.
Stamen is composed of anther and filament. The pistil is composed of stigma, style, and ovary. ... The key difference between stamen and pistil is that stamen is the male reproductive organ which produces pollens of angiosperms while pistil is the female reproductive organ which produces ovules of angiosperms.
I hop this helps!
renewable (able to reproduce in short time)
trees, able to grow within years
wind produce by clouds and water
electricity made by power from sun who thunder
sewage municipal wastewater which tbh isnt much of a resource
non renewable
most major minerals (Diamonds, emerald's, granites, and jewels)
natural gas
nuclear energy
Gap junctions
Gap junctions form pores that connect adjacent cells. In this way signaling molecules, ions and other substances can pass through the pore to the adjacent cell. This type of cell junctions are important in cardiac muscle responses, in brain signaling, during childbirth, etc.