Se utiliza para estabilizar las claras de huevo y ayuda a proporcionar los picos altos característicos en recetas como el merengue
a. Cats see low-frequency, low contrast objects better than humans.
Mr. Big is able to see something that Pamela does not see because cats have a wider field view of about 200 degrees while that of humans is about 180 degrees.
Cats eyes have 6-8 times more rod cells, which are more sensitive to low light, than that of humans. Their elliptical eye shape, large tapetum and cornea help to gather light for better vision at night.
In a routine examination, some blood is taken and analyzed. The results show a high IgM titer for the mumps virus but a low IgG anti-mumps titer. This would indicate the person was recently infected with mumps.
This is the most common antibody. It is in the blood and other body fluids and protects against bacterial and viral infections. It may take time for IgG to form after infection or immunization. The presence of detectable IgG class antibodies indicates previous exposure to mumps virus through infection or immunization. Individuals who test positive are considered immune to the mumps virus. People with a history of mumps vaccination may not have detectable mumps IgM antibodies regardless of the timing of sample collection. IgG test results are usually positive and elevated at the initial blood draw.
Learn more about IgG class antibodies on:
Torso trauma is an injury involving the chest and abdomen.