Answer: He had little domestic interest in Britain and allowed Parliament to consolidate the gains of the Glorious Revolution.
George I was the ruler of a Duchy in Germany before he became King of England and upon his succession, he was not very interested in the affairs of Britain and was frequently going back to Germany. It was even said that he did not speak a lot of English.
These factors and more allowed Parliament and the Prime Minister, Robert Walpole, to claw power from the Monarchy such that after George I died, the Prime Ministerial position got stronger with every succeeding monarch.
The Rome-Berlin-Tokyo axis was formed in 1936.
It was mainly the construction of railroads that helped cities thrive in the 1800s, while it was mostly the invention of the television that <span>had the most significant impact on the rise of mass entertainment in the late nineteenth century</span>.
Philadelphia was one of the first planned cities in the United States.
Source: Goog|e